Packed Spring Mattress and Natural Latex Grand Bed h 25cm- ROSSINI
The "ROSSINI" mattress from the GRAN BED by BELIAMO Collection Is the epitome of comfort and ergonomics. This extraordinary bagged spring mattress Made in Italy combines traditional craftsmanship and innovative technology to offer a restful sleep. With layers of Natural latex and pocket springs , Offers impeccable back support, uniform weight distribution and exceptional comfort. The SeaCell lining Adds freshness, skin regeneration, antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties. In short, the "ROSSINI" Mattress is the ideal choice for those seeking maximum comfort and Italian quality sleep.
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The "ROSSINI" Mattress is the epitome of comfort and ergonomics, designed to offer maximum support and the most restful sleep. This extraordinary pocket spring mattress from the GRAN BED by BELIAMO Collection is a 100% Made in Italy product that combines traditional craftsmanship and innovative technology for a perfect ergonomic adaptability of the back.
Layer 1: High density natural latex base (3 cm)
The first layer of the Mattress "ROSSINI" is composed of a 3 cm support base made of natural latex. This rigid support base offers impeccable support for the back, ensuring an uncompromising night's rest.
Layer 2: Bagged springs with natural latex box (12.5 Cm)
The bagged springs precisely adapt to the contours of your body, ensuring uniform weight distribution and posture correction during sleep.
Layer 3: 7-Zone Natural Latex (7.5 cm)
Made with 7-zone natural latex of differentiated lift, it offers personalized support and exceptional comfort during sleep. It is an excellent choice for those looking for a high-quality mattress that promotes a restful and regenerating sleep.
Total height of the mattress with Lining: 25 cm
The "ROSSINI" Mattress has a total height of 25 cm, which combines the robustness of the bagged spring base with the comfort of natural latex for a perfect balance during sleep.
SeaCell Lining: Benefits and Features
The lining of the "ROSSINI" Mattress is made of SeaCell, an innovative and revolutionary material. Features and benefits of SeaCell include:
Hygiene and Freshness: SeaCell is known for its ability to absorb moisture and regulate body temperature at night, keeping the mattress cool and dry.
Cutaneous Regeneration: Thanks to the seaweed found in the SeaCell, this liner can promote skin regeneration and improve skin health during sleep.
Antibacterial and Hypoallergenic: SeaCell is naturally antibacterial and hypoallergenic, creating a hygienic sleep environment and suitable for anyone with allergic sensitivities.
Unable with Zip: The SeaCell lining of the "ROSSINI" Mattress is easily removable thanks to a comfortable zip, allowing you to keep it clean and in perfect condition over time.
In conclusion, the "ROSSINI" Mattress of the Collection GRAN BED by BELIAMO is the perfect choice for those who seek maximum comfort, optimal support and Italian artisan quality. Rediscover the pleasure of a restful and regenerating sleep thanks to this exceptional mattress with pocket springs.
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Caratteristiche Tecniche
Altezza del materasso: 25 cm
Rigidità del materasso: Rigido
Su una scala da 1 a 10, dove 1 indica estrema morbidezza e 10 indica grande rigidità, il materasso Rossini Hybrid Elite si posiziona con un valore di 7/8.
Pesi per misura:
80x190 x 25 cm : 20 kg
80x200 x 25 cm : 20 kg
90x190 x 25 cm : 22 kg
90x200 x 25 cm : 22 kg
120x190 x 25 cm : 29 kg
120x200 x 25 cm : 29 kg
140x190 x 25 cm : 33,5 kg
140x200 x 25 cm : 33,5 kg
160x190 x 25 cm : 38 kg
160x200 x 25 cm : 38 kg
180x200 x 25 cm : 42,5 kg
Cosa c'è dentro?
Strato Superiore: Lattice 100% Naturale a 7 zone (7,5 cm):
Realizzato con lattice naturale a 7 zone di portanza differenziata, offre un supporto personalizzato e un comfort eccezionale durante il sonno. È una scelta eccellente per chi cerca un materasso di alta qualità che promuova un sonno ristoratore e rigenerante.
Molle Insacchettate con Box in Lattice 100% Naturale (12,5 cm):
Le molle insacchettate si adattano con precisione ai contorni del tuo corpo, assicurando una distribuzione uniforme del peso e la correzione della postura durante il sonno.
Base di Appoggio in Lattice 100% Naturale ad alta densità (3 cm):
Il primo strato del Materasso Rossini Hybrid Elite è composto da una base di appoggio di 3 cm in Lattice 100% Naturale. Questa base di sostegno rigida offre un supporto impeccabile per la schiena, garantendo un riposo notturno senza compromessi.
Come é fatta la fodera?
Tessuto SeaCell La fodera esterna dei materassi Rossini Hybrid Elite è realizzata in tessuto "SeaCell", un materiale all'avanguardia ottenuto dalla combinazione di cellulosa di alga marina e fibra di cellulosa. Questo tessuto offre vantaggi quali l'idratazione della pelle, la traspirabilità, una piacevole sensazione al tatto e una scelta ecologica grazie ai suoi componenti naturali. Costituisce la selezione ideale per un riposo confortevole e benefico per la pelle. Le fodere hanno un trattamento speciale per essere inattaccabili da acari, funghi e batteri.
Imbottitura in fibra climatizzata che regola la temperatura e riduce l'accumulo di umidità.
Prefodera in jersey di cotone.
Sfoderabile grazie alla comoda zip.
I Materassi vengono spediti arrotolati e sottovuoto; durante il disimballaggio si potrebbe avvertire un odore di schiuma naturale fresca non tossica, lasciarli quindi a riposo in posizione piana e luogo ventilato per almeno 24 ore prima dell'utilizzo, per una perfetta ricomposizione della forma originale e dispersione degli odori di produzione. Conservare il prodotto in un luogo fresco e asciutto, lontano da luce solare diretta. Il Rivestimento è sfoderabile e lavabile.
- OEKO-TEX® Standard 100
- ECS (Expansion Control System)
- Marcatura CE
- QUL Naturlatex
- ECO Institute
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Quality craftsmanship
All our ROSSINI mattresses by GRAN LETTO by BELIAMO are handcrafted with care, passion, attention to detail and are 100% MADE IN ITALY, synonymous with the highest quality and excellence in manufacturing. The quality and safety of the materials used have made it possible to obtain the certifications, OEKO-TEX®Standard 100, ECS (Expansion Control System), QUL Naturlatex, ECO Institute and CE marking for the absence of harmful substances that meet the highest European standards.

Advice and Maintenance
The mattresses are shipped rolled up and vacuum-packed; during unpacking you could feel a smell of fresh non-toxic natural foam, then leave them at rest in a flat position and ventilated place for at least 24 hours before use, for a perfect recomposition of the original shape and dispersion of production odors. Store the product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. The cover is removable and washable.